Dr. Hadil Karawani-Habib
Ph.D., Academic staff member
I'm a linguist interested in semantics, pragmatics, syntax-semantics interface, and philosophy of language.
I generally work on questions concerned with the interaction between semantics and pragmatics, in particular presuppositions (what is taken for granted when something is said) and implicatures (what can be taken to be meant but not straightforwardly said).
I currently work on topics related to the syntax-semantics/pragmatics of conditionals and the interaction with tense and modality (the expression of time and the space of possibilities), from a crosslinguistic perspective. For example, I look at funny uses of past tense (when "past" does not mean past, i.e. before now) as in counterfactual conditionals, counterfactual imperatives, counteridenticals, futurates, and sequence of tense.
Another topic I am curently exploring is the concept of ignorance from an epistemic and a linguistic perspective.