I completed my bachelor's and master's degree in philosophy with a minor in computer science and selected maths courses at the University of Konstanz. I am now bridging the gap until the start of my doctorate as a guest researcher at AG Horsten.
My research focusses on the philosophy of mathematics and logic. In my Master's thesis, I investigated the question of whether it is possible to assign probabilities to independent statements of ZFC set theory. The title of the thesis is ‘Probabilities and the Set-theoretic Multiverse’. Outside of this area of philosophy, I am also very interested in the philosophy of probability and, more generally, in epistemology and metaphysics. In addition to my work on the connections between set and probability theories, I would like to investigate smaller projects, such as the question of what ontological parity is or whether one can establish philosophically meaningful ‘update rules’ for non-Archimedean probabilities.