Hannah Altehenger

PhD in Philosophy

I grew up in Cologne, and discovered analytical philosophy at Bielefeld University, where I did my BA and MA. I then went to Humboldt-University Berlin, where I obtained my PhD in 2018. As a PhD-candidate, I also spent some time at Oslo University and at the University of Michigan.  

From 2017-2020, I was a lecturer in philosophy at Bielefeld University; from 2020-2021, I taught philosophy at Zurich and Salzburg. Since 01/2022 I am employed at the Philosophy Department at the University of Konstanz, where I am the principal investigator of the research project “The Ethical Dimensions of Self-Control”, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and runs until 06/2025. During the summer term of 2023, I was a substitute lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Saarland University.

My area of expertise is Philosophical Moral Psychology. A substantial part of my research has focused on self-control, but I am also interested in a number of surrounding issues, such as weakness of will and the self. More recently, I have become interested in the topic of moral responsibility for non-ideal agents, as well as in theories of blame.