MF1: On the Acquisition of Counterfactual Reasoning and Ensuing Abilities

Eva Rafetseder joined the DFG Research Unit “What If?” in 2013 and is a Lecturer in Child Development at the University of Stirling, Scotland. She holds a PhD (University of Salzburg) in how counterfactual reasoning develops in children (specifically how it can be distinguished from other kinds of reasoning and how it is interlinked with complex counterfactual emotions, such as regret and relief). Recent projects have extended her research into the area of children’s understanding of normativity, theory of mind, perspective taking, scientific reasoning, and causality.

MF2: Instituting and Contesting Scientific Openness

Paul Ziche holds a chair for the history of modern philosophy at Utrecht University, and is also affiliated with Utrecht’s “Descartes Centre for the history and philosophy of the sciences and humanities”. His research focuses again and again on issues concerning the relationship between philosophy and the (other) sciences in the period between the 18th century and today.