Current courses

Core Courses


Title Type Semester
History of Philosophy, Part II
Responsible: Prof. (em.) Dr. Gottfried Gabriel
Lecture SS 2024

BA Seminars

Title Type Semester
Formal Logic Introductory Seminar with Tutorial SS 2024
Teaching Methodology 2 Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Immanuel Kant, Groundworks for the Metaphysics of Morals Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Michael Tomasello: A Natural History of Morality Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Paradoxes: Truth, Infinity, and Time Travel
Responsible: Dr. Sam Roberts
Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Plato's "Phaedo" Introductory Seminar SS 2024
›De anima‹ by Aristotle Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Derek Parfit: Reasons and Persons Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Peter Carruthers: Human Motives
Responsible: Maria Fülberth
Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract Introductory Seminar SS 2024
George Berkeley: A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Julien Offray de La Mettrie: Man a Machine Introductory Seminar with Tutorial SS 2024
Early Modern Philosophy: Mind and World Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Problems of medical ethics Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Introductory Seminar SS 2024
Themen der Existenzphilosophie Introductory Seminar SS 2024

MA seminars

Title Type Semester
Distributive Justice Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Is there such as thing as feminist logic? Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Pamela Hieronymi: Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals Advanced Seminar SS 2024
No bullshit! Philosophical and psychological approaches Advanced Seminar SS 2024
The Law of Non-Contradiction: Aristotle vs Priest Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Theories of Democracy Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Ethics of Prostitution Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Miranda Fricker: Epistemic Injustice Advanced Seminar SS 2024
The Language of Perception Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Responsible: Dr. Sam Roberts
Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Ethical Constructivism Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Human Dignity Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Dialogical-constructive philosophy of the Erlangen-Constance School
Responsible: PD Dr. Volkbert M. Roth
Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Friedrich Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality Advanced Seminar SS 2024
Seneca: The world of reason Advanced Seminar SS 2024

Doctoral colloquia